“In All the Wrong Places / Regression series” at Galeria Ana Lama – Arte Extremo, 18th February 2018 [Lisbon, PORTUGAL].
“Keys, I need keys, many keys (to open all the doors that are to come)”

This piece is a continuation of the Regression series initiated in 2012, which attempts to be an archeological revision of my personal life / past work and the intra-history of the space where the performance takes place. It is inspired by the idea of ‘psychic paleolithism’ – involving a departure from symbolic thinking and the disruption of the ‘law of the father’ by more archaic impulses. This series of works try, with its hallucinatory structure, to break the linear time conception described by French feminist thinker Julia Kristeva as “the father’s time” which refers to the patriarchal linear concept of time that we have inhabited, with its sense of history, destiny and economic progress; returning in the process to the unconscious ‘unified field’ where time is marked by repetition and the subject regresses into a realm where nothing is differentiated.

*Video-performance soon online. Thanks to Stratos Ntontsis, Nuno Oliveira & Pedro Rocha for the photo – video documentation.