ENG// In Girum Imus Nocte (1998-2008) takes its name from the palindrome “In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni” (We turned in a circle at night and are consumed by fire). In this video-performance hysteria is exorcised through repetitive rotations within the confines of a bathtub. A single female performer driven by pre-Oedipal nostalgia attempts to experience the dissolution of the ego; through these tireless contortions of her body, she reaches a trance and attains a kind of mystical regression. Not merely documentation of a live performance, this video was created specifically for the video medium with no live audience during the performance itself and finally edited ten years later.
ESP // In Girum Imus Nocte (1998-2008) toma su nombre del palíndromo “In girum imus nocte et consumimur igni” (Giramos en círculo en la noche y somos consumidos por el fuego). En esta vídeoperformance la histeria es exorcizada a través de repetitivas rotaciones dentro de una bañera. La performer, impulsada por una nostalgia preedípica, experimenta la disolución del ego; aproximándose, por medio, de un trance autoinducido a base de innumerables contorsiones de su cuerpo, a un estado de regresión mística. Originalmente una experiencia pura sin espectador, la acción fue filmada en vídeo y editada diez años más tarde.
In Girum Imus Nocte at The Unifiedfield showcase. Singapore Art Museum, 2012
In Girum Imus Nocte at Nikolaj Kunsthallen in Copenhagen [05-07/01/2012, DK)
In Girum Imus Nocte screened during the Night at the Museum at the Goethe Institut [Rotterdam, 2009].